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For updating the battery replaced date. This allows you to change the date a battery was replaced.

See how to use this service in the community contributions

Parameter Optional Description
data.device_id yes The device id that you want to change the battery replaced date for.
data.datetime_replaced yes The optional datetime that you want to set the battery replaced to, if omitted the current date/time will be used.

You must specify either a device_id or entity_id, entity_id will be used in preference if both are specified. This allows the service to work with battery notes associated with both a device and also an individual entity, whether it is part of a device or not.


For raising events for devices that haven't reported their battery level.

The service will raise a seperate battery_not_reported event for each device where its last reported date is older than the number of days specified.

You can use this service call to schedule checks on batteries that is convenient to you, e.g. when you wake up, once a week etc.

See how to use this service in the community contributions

Parameter Optional Description
data.days no The number of days since a device last reported its battery level.


For raising events for devices that have a battery low status.

The service will raise a seperate battery_threshold event for each device that have a battery low status.

You can use this service call as a reminder that is convenient to you, e.g. when you wake up, once a week etc. The event has a boolean data item reminder to determine if the event was raised by this service or the device battery going to a low state.

See how to use this service in the community contributions