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Does a device have to be in the library?#

No, you can always add a device manually by going to Settings -> Integrations -> Battery Notes screen add a new device where you can enter the battery details manually.

Why is my device not being discovered?#

It could be missing from the library or does not exactly match the name that your integration has. ZHA and Z2M for example have different manufacturers/models for the same device, you can still add it manually or contribute to the library.

When is the library updated?#

It updates when Home Assistant is restarted and approximately every 24 hours after that.
It will pull the latest devices that have been merged into the main branch, if you have recently submitted a pull request for a new device it will not appear until it has been manually reviewed and merged.

How do I remove a battery note on a device?#

Go into the Settings -> Integrations -> Battery Notes, use the menu on the right of a device and select Delete, this will only delete the battery note, not the whole device.

Can I edit a battery note?#

Go into Settings -> Integrations -> Battery Notes and click Configure on the device you want to edit.

Why am I only able to see some of my devices when adding manually?#

By default Battery Notes filters the device list to only devices with a battery, if you want to add a battery note to a random device then you can disable this filtering by adding the following configuration to your configuration.yaml and restart Home Assistant to see all devices.

  show_all_devices: True

I only want to add notes to a few devices, can I disable auto discovery?#

If you want to disable this functionality you can add the following to your configuration.yaml, after a restart of Home Assistant you will not see discovered battery notes.

  enable_autodiscovery: False

I don't want to track battery replacement, can I disable this?#

Yes, you can add the following to your configuration.yaml, after a restart of Home Assistant new devices added to battery notes will have the battery replaced sensor and button disabled. Any devices you have previously added to Battery Notes you will have to disable/enable these sensors manually, which also means you can just enable specific sensors of important ones you want to track.

  enable_replaced: False

My device doesn't show a Battery+ sensor#

This is usually because the device does not have a battery percentage, you can create one if your device has a voltage, low indicator or similar by following these instructions

How do I create a battery low template#

The best way to do this is to test in the developer tools/template section for your sensor.
Be aware that Home Assistant shows friendly alternatives for some sensors, so when you are seeing Normal/Low this may really be a bool, testing in the template tool will allow you to determine the correct template to use. Start by adapting one of these.

{{ states('sensor.mysensor_battery_low') }}
{{ states('sensor.mysensor_battery_level') == "Low" }}
{{ states('sensor.mysensor_battery_voltage') | float(5) < 1 }}
Once you have got your template correct you can copy/paste it into the battery notes configuration section for that device and it will use that for detecting the battery is low and raising the battery notes event.

My Shelly device is not showing a Battery+#

There seems to have been an issue with the Shelly integration at some point where the battery entity was not created properly and therefore Battery Notes cannot find it. To fix this do the following:
* Remove the battery note from the Shelly device * Remove the Shelly device from the Shelly integration * Re-Add the Shelly device * Add the battery note to the device

How do I install pre-release versions via HACS#

Within Home Assistant go to Settings -> Integrations -> HACS
Select Services
Select Battery Notes
In the Diagnostics panel select the +1 entity not shown
Select Pre-release
Select the cog icon
Select Enable
Select Update and wait for the entity to be enabled
Turn on the Pre-release toggle
HACS will now show updates available for pre-releases if there are any

How can I show my support?#

"Buy Me A Coffee"